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 Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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مهند أحمد اسماعيل
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عدد الرسائل : 4437
العمر : 49
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun   Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 08, 2010 6:34 am

Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun

Also see the related photo gallery.Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun 3648
Ismailis from centres across the Far East region gathered in Penang, Malaysia for a sports day event in June. Photo: Pervaiz Machiwala

In June, Ismailis from centres across the Far East region gathered in Penang, Malaysia — known as the Pearl of the Orient — for a sports day event that coincided with Father’s Day. Organised by the Ismaili Council for the Far East, the event drew some 120 people of all ages from Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, as well as Penang.
Numerous activities were organised, but badminton and table tennis were the centrepiece competitions. Enthusiastic participants had been meeting regularly in their own cities to practice in the weeks leading up to the sports day.
The event opened on a hot and sticky day at Penang’s Complex Belia Dan Sukan. But the participants did not let the sweltering weather hold them back, and got right into an energetic morning exercise ahead of their matches. Competitions held included the women’s and men’s singles and doubles events and a mixed doubles event for both badminton and table tennis.Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun 3642
Badminton was one of the centrepiece competitions at Sports Day. Participants had been practicing regularly in the weeks leading up to the event. Photo: Pervaiz Machiwala

Sports Day was not just for the seasoned competitor. Novices and enthusiasts were also encouraged to participate regardless of their skill level. Several participants were playing for the first time.
“I hadn't played badminton since I was 35-years old, when my kids were playing,” said one senior member from Penang in her early-60s. “Playing and watching the sports have brought back fond memories, and it is always great to see the talent we have in our region as well as everyone playing and having fun.”
Younger members of the Jamat shared her enthusiasm. A youth from Singapore commented that Sports Day offered a great platform for Jamats from different centres to come together and get to know one other better, adding that he had a lot of fun participating and supporting the rest of the players.Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun 3644
Seniors enjoying a game of carrom at the Far East Jamati Sports Day held in Penang. Photo: Pervaiz Machiwala

Those not competing in sports related activities participated in a range of other games activities including Jenja, Carum and Chorpati. A treasure hunt and a telematch were also organised for the younger children and youth, as well as a game where participants had to make a soccer outfit out of tissue paper and score as many goals as possible within a stipulated time.
As part of a wider endeavour to promote a healthy lifestyle, the Health Portfolio of the Ismaili Council had also set up a booth where members of the Jamat could have their blood pressure and sugar levels tested. The booth was run by medical professionals from various Jamati centres, who also provided general information on measures available to manage blood pressure and sugar levels. It was also an opportunity for individuals to ask questions and seek additional health-related information.
The Ismaili Council also invited Mercy Malaysia, a non-profit, humanitarian relief organisation to discuss their work with the Jamat. The organisation specialises in providing medical relief, sustainable health-related development and risk reduction activities for vulnerable communities in both crisis and non-crisis situations. In addition to raising awareness of their work, their presentation highlighted the different activities carried out by Mercy Malaysia.Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun 3643
The Ismaili Council Health Portfolio set up a booth where medical professionals from various Jamati centres offered testing as well as information on managing blood pressure and sugar levels. Photo: Pervaiz Machiwala

The day culminated in an award ceremony followed by an afternoon tea and cake cutting to celebrate Father’s Day. Penang took home the badminton and table tennis challenge trophies, while Kuala Lumpur claimed top spot by winning the overall Champion Challenge.
But in his closing address, Inayat Bana, President of the Ismaili Council for the Far East reminded participants that in a Jamati sports event winning is not important. “Participation and demonstration of brotherhood and unity,” he said, “underlines the very spirit of the Ismaili community.”
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--- الطائر الفينيقي ---
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--- الطائر الفينيقي ---

عدد الرسائل : 2838
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/08/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun   Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun Icon_minitimeالإثنين أغسطس 09, 2010 3:51 am

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Far East Jamat gathers in Penang for a day of sport, learning and fun
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