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المواقع الرسمية للاسماعيلية الآغاخانية


 الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر

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مهند أحمد اسماعيل
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عدد الرسائل : 4437
العمر : 49
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر   الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 8:34 pm

عندما تم اشعال المرجل الاولمبي قبل الميلاد في مكان الملعب في 12 شباط / فبراير -- بمناسبة افتتاح فانكوفر عام 2010 دورة الالعاب الاولمبية الشتوية -- الحريق الذي أشعل النار جاء عن طريق أكثر من 25 من أعضاء الطائفة الإسماعيلية. مثل الآلاف من زملائه الكنديين ، تم اختيارها لأنها تحمل الشعلة لأنها شقت طريقها عبر كندا في الأشهر التي سبقت دورة الالعاب الاولمبية

تتابع الشعلة الاولمبية كانت رحلة 45 000 كيلومتر والتي بدأت في فيكتوريا بكولومبيا البريطانية. كما أنها تتقاطع على الأرض ، وزيارة كل المقاطعات والأقاليم الكندية ولمس أكثر من 000 1 المجتمعات المحلية والأماكن ذات الأهمية ، فإنه توحيد البلاد وبنى الإثارة تحسبا لدورة الالعاب الاولمبية. في غضون 106 يوما ، حوالي 12 000 شخص كان لها شرف حمل الشعلة الاولمبية وحاملي الشعلة

تحمل الشعلة كانت فرصة فريدة لتمثيل المؤسسة ، والطائفة الإسماعيلية وكندا بشكل عام ، "قال يقدمون في صورة العنيف ، الذي كان طلب لحمل الشعلة الاولمبية وممثل عن مؤسسة القلب والسكتة الدماغية. "إن الألعاب الأولمبية هي الحدث الذي يمثل المجتمع المتعدد الثقافات والمتنوع الذي نعيش فيه. وتأخذ الكثير من الفخر في أن يكون جزءا من الطائفة الإسماعيلية ، أن المجتمع يساهم في المجتمع الأوسع ".

ولمزيد من المعلومات
يرجى زيارة الموقع الرسمي للطائفة الإسماعيلية على الرابط

عدل سابقا من قبل مهند أحمد اسماعيل في الثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 6:48 am عدل 1 مرات
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عدد الرسائل : 4437
العمر : 49
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر   الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 8:35 pm

Olympic Torch Bearers from the Ismaili community carry the flame in Vancouver

Also see related photo gallery.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3150
The Olympic flame passed between some 12 000 torch bearers during its journey across Canada. Photo: Amin Maherali

When the Olympic Cauldron was lit at BC Place Stadium on 12 February — marking the opening of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games — the fire that set it alight came by way of more than 25 members of the Ismaili community. Like thousands of their fellow Canadians, they were chosen to carry the flame as it made its way across Canada in the months leading up to the Games.
The Olympic Torch Relay was a 45 000 kilometre journey that started in Victoria, British Columbia. As it criss-crossed the land, visiting each Canadian province and territory and touching over 1 000 communities and places of interest, it unified the country and built excitement in anticipation of the Games. In the course of 106 days, some 12 000 people had the honour of carrying the Olympic flame as torch bearers.
The Olympic flame is symbolic of the Games’ principles of peace, brotherhood and friendship — also cherished by Muslims. When it returned to British Columbia, Hassanali Merali had the honour of carrying it in Vancouver.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3158
Vice-President Malik Talib passes on the flame after his run. Photo: Hakam Bhaloo

“Carrying the flame was a unique opportunity to represent the Foundation, the Ismaili community and Canada at large,” said Merali, who was asked to carry the Olympic flame as a representative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. “The Olympics is an event which represents the multicultural and diverse society in which we live. I take a lot of pride in being a part of the Ismaili community, a community that contributes to the wider society.”
A Tanzanian who immigrated to Canada in 1972, Merali has lived in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and is now a resident of British Columbia. Volunteerism has been an important part of his life, and his services to the Heart and Stroke Foundation over the past 11 years earned him the Foundation’s Skookum Award for leadership, dedication and hard work, as well as the Leadership Award with Distinction, which recognises ten years of dedication and contribution to the organisation.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3163
Olympic torch bearer Hassanali Merali carried the flame as a representative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Photo: Hakam Bhaloo

Zoya Jiwa, a Grade 10 high school student from Coquitlam, British Columbia was part of a leadership group that entered a contest run by the Royal Bank of Canada, which challenged students to send in a video showing how their school helps the community. Along with 20 others, Jiwa was selected to carry the Olympic flame over a one kilometre stretch in Coquitlam. “We are all united by the Olympics as it brings people together,” said Jiwa. ”It is also an exciting time for the Ismaili community and it is awesome that we get to participate in the torch relay and other Olympic events.”
Farhan Lalji is no stranger to major sporting events. As a broadcaster with Canadian sports network TSN for the past 12 years, the 2010 Games will be the fourth Olympic Games that Lalji has covered. The network was allocated six spots in the torch relay, and Lalji was the only BC on-air personality asked to carry the flame. He described how the excitement for the event grew as he made his way towards his starting position.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3154
Darbir Rashid and Zoya Jiwa celebrate after their torch run. Photo: Azim Verjee

“Once I was in my position to start the relay, the reaction in the streets made me realise that this was an extremely special moment,” said Lalji. “I had about seven minutes with my wife, son, parents, and sister at the starting spot before I got the torch, and I was extremely happy to be able to share with my family. The reaction on the streets and from the people was overwhelming.”
On 11 February 2010, Ismaili Council for Canada Vice-President Malik Talib carried the Olympic flame in Vancouver. “The Olympic Games are an opportunity for the Ismaili community to show our strong community values and spirit of volunteerism,” said Talib. “The Olympic ideals of peace, brotherhood and friendship are shared values of the Ismaili community, and it is our privilege to be given the opportunity to work together with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to help welcome the world to Canada.”
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عدد الرسائل : 4437
العمر : 49
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر   الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Icon_minitimeالإثنين مارس 08, 2010 8:57 pm

Ismaili volunteers stand front and centre as Olympics get underway in Vancouver

الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3171
A young Ismaili volunteer offers directions to tourists in Vancouver. Photo: Riyaz Lalani

As the 2010 Winter Olympic Games got underway in Vancouver, hundreds of Ismaili volunteers from across Canada officially became ambassadors to the world. Donning green-coloured jackets emblazoned with “Ismaili Volunteers” on the front, these Olympic Ambassadors have been welcoming tourists and athletes to the city since the beginning of February, providing information and directions, and managing queues and crowds in Vancouver City Centre.
“It is an amazing feeling to volunteer alongside other members of the Jamat at the largest event Vancouver has ever hosted,” said Kahir Lalji, an Ismaili volunteer.
Through CIVIC — Challenging Ismaili Volunteers in Communities — a youth based programme that focuses the energy of young Ismailis towards improving the wellbeing of the communities in which they live, younger members of the Jamat were also invited to help welcome the world. Volunteers aged 18-25 responded enthusiastically, signing up rapidly to take on the role of youth ambassadors.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3173
Easily identifiable in their green-coloured jackets, Ismaili volunteers in Vancouver City Centre have been welcoming tourists and athletes since the beginning of February. Photo: Hakam Bhaloo

“We were given the opportunity to volunteer at one of the busiest downtown locations,” said Adam Samji, a youth volunteer. “It was a great feeling to represent the Ismaili community in our special green jackets and to showcase our spirit of volunteerism.”
Ismaili volunteers benefit from the recent experience of organising large events that commemorated Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Golden Jubilee, as well as the Jamat’s Khushiali celebrations that take place every year. Their performance has garnered applause from the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC), who requested their organisation and management expertise to streamline other volunteer host locations.
“We are fortunate to have attracted a large and diverse application pool of people from around the world who are willing to volunteer for the Games,” said Allen Vansen, who is responsible for workforce operations at VANOC. According to the organisation, more than 77,000 people applied to donate their time and talent to contribute to the success of the Games.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3172
Tourists visiting Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games seek assistance from an Ismaili volunteer. Photo: Hakam Bhaloo

In addition to taking part as Olympic Ambassadors, the community has also partnered with VANOC in other ways. Some Ismaili volunteers received specialised training from the Olympic Organizing Committee to chauffeur senior government officials and ministers to Olympics Special VIP Events. VANOC also engaged the community’s assistance in managing Olympics-related events.
On 11 February, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, hosted the 2010 Olympic Truce Youth Dialogue at the Vancouver Public Library, which was attended by over 500 youth from across Canada. Following a similar successful event held at the Ismaili Centre, Burnaby in September, VANOC asked the community to co-manage and provide human resources.
After the dialogue, the Governor General met with the Ismaili volunteers and expressed her appreciation for their contributions towards the success of the event, recalling the earlier Truce Dialogue at the Ismaili Centre.الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر 3170
Ismaili youth were enthusiastic to volunteer as Olympic Ambassadors and welcome the world to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Games. Photo: Riyaz Lalani
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عدد الرسائل : 4437
العمر : 49
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر   الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 09, 2010 7:00 am

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الشعلة الاولمبية الشيالون من الطائفة الاسماعيلية حمل الشعلة في فانكوفر
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